

Company Profile

Finishing Systems


Cell Washers
Railroad Products

Residential Products

Fabrication/ Welding


Material Handling

Consulting Service

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Bintzler Incorporated

Bintzler Incorporated personnel have been actively involved in all methods and processes of industrial finishing since 1947. Some of these processes include, burnishing, pickling, painting, deburring and cut-down, cobmeal drying and polishing, cleaning, and degreasing.

As consultants, we can review needs and requirements, provide specifications and obtain estimated costs, or firm quotations for equipment.

    Our recommendations can include, but will not be limited to:

  • Modification to existing equipment to improve efficiency.
  • Necessary changes either to existing equipment, or in the addition of new equipment to increase production, while reducing the number of rejected parts.
  • Maintenance requirements to minimize downtime.
  • Factory automation
Existing equipment and processes will be reviewed and inspected. All phases of the operation will be considered, and we will work closely with all personnel involved before developing our recommendations. Then costs will be estimated to carry out the recommendations. These will then be submitted for review.

Our services will be prompt and professional. Fees for this service will be typical for this type of empirical experience and professionalism.

"Our #1 goal is to best serve our customers."

Home Contents | Company Profile | Finishing Systems | Burners | Cell WashersRailroad Products |

Residential Products | Fabricating/Welding Maintenance | Material Handling | |Consulting Service | Contact Us | Links |

voice: (513)984-9788 / fax: (513) 984-9789 / sales@bintzlerinc.com

8918 Glendale-Milford Road - Loveland, Ohio 45140