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These are brake shoe adjusting bolt guards developed for CSX Transportation to be used on a AAA model 81 master retarder. The threads of the bolts were being damaged by the heavy air line couplers pounding the bolts as the cars pass through. These guards protect not only the bolts, but also the nuts for locking the bolt in place. The guards are formed from 3/8" steel plate. They are rolled at the bottom to eliminate being grabbed by something and torn loose. Installation is simple. Two cam type latches are held in place by safety snap pins Remove the pins and the latches drop down and allow the guard to slip over the bolt and retarder forging. Then pivot the latches up against the forging and replace the pins. The guards can be installed and removed without the use of any tools, and they even have enough clearance that a socket can be placed over the locking nut without removing the guard.

Thread Guard


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8918 Glendale-Milford Road - Loveland, Ohio 45140