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Railroad Products

Above is the Brush Adjustment Gage developed for quick adjustment of the brushes on the Rail Wheel Cleaner. This unit is designed to be used on any size rail with a ball dimension of 2-7/8" to 3". Spring pins hold the gage snug to the rail, and also make allowances for "mushrooming" of worn rail from wheel flanges. Special shims are included to customize the gage for any yard and circumstances. Once customized no further alterations are necessary, simply set over the rail and adjust the brushes until the bristle tips touch the gage. Brushes will wear over time, and proper adjustment will ensure optimum cleaning along with optimum brush life.

Brush Adjustment Gage


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voice: (513)984-9788 / fax: (513) 984-9789 / sales@bintzlerinc.com

8918 Glendale-Milford Road - Loveland, Ohio 45140